How to Handle Cats When Moving

Moving to a new home is a stressful time for all members of the household, even the family pet. Cats get accustomed to their surroundings and, when forced to leave a familiar place, they may become anxious. The best way to handle moving with a cat is preparation. There are a few things a pet owner can do to ensure that his pet cat has an easy and stress-free transition to a new home.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat carrier
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    • 1

      Place the cat in one room on moving day. Put his food, water, litter and bedding in this room.

    • 2

      Close all windows and keep the door shut to ensure that the cat does not escape. Put a sign on the door, so that family members and the moving men know that the cat is in the room and that the door needs to remain shut. Instruct the movers that this room is the last one to be cleaned out.

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      Put the cat in his carrier when it is time to remove all contents in that room. Place the cat carrier in the car. If you are not using a car, place the carrier somewhere safe, quiet and out of the way.

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      Pack all the cat's belongings and label the box clearly.

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      Instruct the moving men to refurnish one room first. Once the room is furnished, set up the food, water, litter box and bedding. Put the cat carrier in this room and let the cat out. Close the door to this room and make certain that it stays closed while the movers bring in the rest of the household items.

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      Give the cat some food to eat in his new home.

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      Let the cat out of the room once the moving men leave.