How to Introduce Kittens to Other Pets

Bringing a new kitten into your home can be an exciting experience. If you have other pets you have to be sensitive to their needs to make sure the introductions go smoothly. Other pets may be territorial and feel threatened with a new housemate. You can work to keep the peace and try to successfully integrate the new kitten into your home by following a few steps. It may take a few days, weeks or months to raise your pets' comfort level with each other.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat carrier
  • Food
  • Toys
  • Bed
  • Litter box
  • Bowl
  • Leash
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  1. Introducing Kitten to Cats

    • 1

      Confine the kitten in her own safe room with her bed, food, toys and litter box. This way she can slowly get acclimated to her environment without the stressors of the other pets.

    • 2

      Feed the kitten on one side of the door and the other pets on the other side so they can smell each other and associate the smell with a pleasant event. Gradually move the dishes closer to the door until they calmly eat with each other. Prop open the door with a doorstop so they can see each other as they eat.

    • 3

      Exchange the blankets of the kitten and other cat to allow each to become familiar with each other's scents. Because smells are very important to animals, you can also use the same brush on each cat so that their scents will be on each other.

    • 4

      Have the cat come into the new kitten's room while the kitten is in a carrier and let her sniff around. Observe how well they interact with each other. There might be some hissing and/or posturing during this first meeting. If so, then continue to keep the kitten in the carrier for a few more interactions.

    • 5

      Let the kitten explore the house when the other pets are confined to another room. That way she can become familiar with her surroundings and get used to the other scents.

    • 6

      Allow the pets a face-to-face meeting. Keep a close eye on them and let them take their time approaching each other. You can help them along by dangling toys in front of them and encouraging them to play. If either is displaying any signs of aggression or fearfulness, distract them by clapping your hands and start the introduction process over again another day.

    Introducing a Kitten to Dogs

    • 7

      Isolate the kitten in a room by herself with her bed, food, toys and litter box. This allows her to slowly get comfortable with her environment.

    • 8

      Keep the dog on a leash or in a crate and let the kitten approach him when she feels comfortable. Let them sniff each other and watch them carefully for any signs of aggression. Separate them if they become aggressive toward each other.

    • 9

      Repeat the encounters under supervision a few times before you leave them alone together.