How to Welcome a New Shy Kitten

Don't be surprised if your new kitten is very shy when you bring it home. It is perfectly normal for a kitten to keep to itself for at least a few days after you bring it home. By nature, cats are creatures of habit who don't like change. Let your kitten get used to you and your family in its own time.


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      Show your kitten its litter box and food dishes as soon as you bring it home. It will help it to feel more comfortable if it doesn't have to search around for these items.

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      Avoid making any loud noises for the first few days, if possible. Loud noises will scare your kitten, which will make it uncomfortable in its new surroundings.

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      Separate your kitten from any other animals you have for the first few days. Keep it in another room where they cannot go. Gradually introduce the other animals after it has had a chance to get acclimated to the new surroundings.

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      Be patient. Cats are creatures of habit. Allow as much time as it needs to get used to the new surroundings. Don't push interaction.

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      Leave the television or the radio on when you aren't home. Hearing human voices will help it to warm up to your voice.

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      Get another kitten for it to play with. Having a playmate may make it feel more comfortable, especially if the other kitten is more outgoing. The new kitten will learn from the other kitten that it's OK to socialize with you.