How Can I Catch a Cat That Won't Come In?

Some cats are perfectly happy spending their lives indoors, while others look for every opportunity to slip out the door. Indoor cats with little experience in the outside world should not be allowed to roam. Outdoor cats are subject to injury or illness from being hit by cars, fighting with other animals or from ingesting something harmful to them. Often enough, an indoor cat who has gone for a walk will come back on its own after it has finished exploring. Sometimes, however, it takes a little coaxing to get an escaped cat to come back.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat toys
  • Catnip
  • Cat food
  • Humane trap (optional)
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      Make a sound that the cat associates with a good experience. For example, if the cat is normally fed canned food opened by an electric can opener, run the can opener by the window or door. Shake the bag of dry cat food. If it has a favorite squeaky toy, rub catnip on the toy and squeeze it a few times every so often to see if the cat appears.

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      Tempt the cat with food. Place a little dry food just outside of the door or window, or leave a trail of dry food in the yard. It may take a few days to coax the cat in using this method. Try leaving out a small amount of food at your cat's regular mealtimes for a day or so and then skip one or more mealtimes. The object is to make the cat hungry enough to come back looking for food.

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      Set a humane trap. Borrow or purchase a trap at a pet supply store. Or, contact the Feral Cat Coalition, a volunteer organization dedicated to spaying and neutering feral cats, for information on how to borrow a trap and instructions on how to use it.