How to Tell the Difference Between Long or Short Haired Cats and Kittens

When you adopt a cat or kitten, there are many things that you should take into consideration. First, learn all you can about what it takes to properly care for a cat, including necessary supplies, vet costs and grooming requirements. In terms of grooming, the requirements will change depending on whether you choose a short-haired cat or kitten or a long-haired cat or kitten. Sometimes, with a kitten, it can be tough to tell the difference, so look carefully.


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      Wait until a kitten is about six to eight weeks old. This is when you'll be able to tell the different between long and short hair.

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      Check out the hair quality of a kitten. Kittens that have a smooth coat will have short hair. Those with a fuzzy coat will have long hair.

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      Look more carefully at the kitten with fuzzy hair. Lots of fuzz means that the coat will end up very long. Just a little fuzz means the kitten will probably have slightly longer hair than a short-haired cat.

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      Pet an adult cat and look them over to determine the hair type. Like a kitten, short-haired cats will have a smooth, sleek coat. When a short-haired cat moves, you can often see their muscles moving beneath the fur. A long-haired cat, on the other hand, will be covered in so much fur that you cannot see their muscles moving. The fur will be softer, longer and more flowing than a short-haired cat.