Mini Collar Cameras for Pets

Many pet owners often wonder where their furry friends go when they go outside on their own. Mini pet collar cameras are devices that allow you to capture images or video of your pet's travels throughout the day. The collars are small enough to fit on you pet's collar, and they shouldn't bother your pet at all.
  1. How They Work

    • Mini collar cameras for pets are small devices that hook to your pet's collar and take pictures at various intervals. Later, you can download the photos -- or video in some cases -- to your computer and view the photos as you would pictures from any camera.


    • Features for these camera vary by manufacturer, but most come with a timer that can be set to take pictures at various intervals such as every 15, 30 or 45 seconds. Some cameras, such as the Catcam Live, allow you to capture video when the animal is within a wireless range of transmission. You can watch the video live on a television or computer. Cameras vary with the amount of memory they come with, but anywhere between 2GB and 8GB is common.

    Available Pet Collars

    • Pet collars are available at large pet store chains as well as online through various companies. Brands include Mr. Lee's Catcam, Perpetual Kid's Cat and Dog Pet's Eye View camera, the Eyenimal. Generally, these cameras come with batteries that will eventually need to be replaced. As of 2011, the price range for mini pet cams is about $10 to $110.


    • When considering buying a mini collar camera for your pet, purchase one that won't get in the way of your pet's breathing or normal motions. Ask a clerk at a local pet store for advice on which collar cameras will best fit your pet. If you're getting a camera for a dog collar specifically, purchase a waterproof one. You can also bring your pet into a pet store and have a clerk fit the collar to your pet right in the store.