How to Raise Kittens With Toddlers

They're cute and they're cuddly, but kittens are also fragile. They have sharp claws and they require dedicated care and attention. Think carefully before deciding to bring a kitten into a home with a toddler. These human and feline youngsters can grow to be best friends, but it will take some patience, effort and teaching on your part.


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      Talk to your child about kittens before bringing one home. Tell him that kittens are very small and that their bones can break easily. Teach him that he needs to be gentle with kittens and other animals. Use a stuffed animal to practice nicely petting and gently hugging a pet. This can help you teach your child when he is being too rough before risking injury to a live kitten.

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      Give your toddler a responsibility to help care for the kitten. This will help her feel involved with the family pet and give her a sense of pride and connection to the animal. A toddler's abilities may be limited, but she can pour the kitten's food into the dish after you have measured it and, with your help, place it on the floor for the kitten to eat.

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      Don't force interaction between your toddler and your kitten when you first bring your new pet home. Allow your child to gently pet the kitten when it comes near, but don't allow him to chase it down. This can frighten the kitten and get their relationship off to a bad start.

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      Set rules for your toddler with regards to the kitten. Don't allow her to pick up the kitten, because she may squeeze too hard or pick up the kitten in a way that will cause injury. Don't allow her to play with the kitten if she is being too rough. Let her know that the kitten is not to go outside to play, and that it should be left alone when it is sleeping, cleaning itself or in the litter box. Establish consequences for your child if these rules are broken. Teach your child that the kitten is not a toy, but a family friend to be loved and gently cared for.

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      Supervise your toddler's interaction with your kitten. Ensure that they are not playing too roughly with one another. When this happens, your child can get clawed or your kitten can get injured. Remind your toddler when he is being too rough with the kitten and ask him to be gentle.

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      Encourage your child to play with the kitten in an appropriate way. Purchase kitten toys that she can use to play games with her fuzzy friend. Kittens enjoy chasing toys on strings. This is a safe game that your toddler and kitten can play together.

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      Restrict your kitten's access to your toddler's crib or bed. Sharing a bed can be health risk to both of them, as your toddler may inadvertently injure the kitten in her sleep, or the kitten can be startled and scratch your child.