Pick up the kitten. It will probably start squirming, so make sure you have a firm, yet gentle, grasp.
Sit down, which allows you to rest the kitten's weight on your lap. You'll need one hand to calm the kitten and the other to perform whatever grooming or treatment is needed.
Slide one hand up the kitten's back until it reaches the area where the neck meets the body. Separate your thumb and index finger by about an inch and put both above the area where the neck meets the body. Lay the thumb on its side, and curl your index finger before putting both on the same area.
Bring your curled index finger and thumb together so that a fold of the kitten's skin rises up between them. Gently continue to apply pressure to the fold, which will engage a natural mechanism that disables the cat from the neck down. When you release the fold, the kitten will be able to move as normal.
How to Hold a Kitten by the Scruff to Calm It
Kittens can be adorable balls of seemingly unlimited energy -- and sitting still is simply not a natural act. However, there are times when you need your kitten to take a break from its antics for grooming, medicine or checking for injury. Luckily, nature has a built in "pause" button for kittens: the scruff of their neck.