Cat Urine Odor Removal & Cleaning Tips

With its strong protein content, cat urine has a potent smell that can give owners fits as they try to keep their homes or apartments smelling fresh. There are a few household remedies you can try to get rid of the offensive smell of cat urine.
  1. Act Quickly

    • The key to removing cat urine odor is to clean up the area quickly, so as not to allow bacteria to grow and fester, according to Carole Nickerson of Nickerson says that allowing cat urine to sit lets it soak through carpet, making it nearly impossible to remove without tearing up your rug. As soon as you notice the smell, find out exactly where it's coming from and get to work cleaning it up.


    • When cleaning up cat urine, follow simple steps to make the process easier and remove the odor more effectively. suggests using a dry cloth or absorbent paper towel to soak up as much of the urine as possible. When cleaning up the mess, the website warns to blot the stain, rather than rubbing the area, which can actually spread the urine and make the odor more potent.

    Vinegar and Baking Soda

    • Vinegar and baking soda are a proven winning combination for many cat owners looking to eliminate the smell left behind by their furry friends. On, Cathy Nickerson suggests combing 1/3 cups of white vinegar and 2/3 cups water with a small amount of soap. Use the mixture when cleaning up the affected area, scrubbing the area repeatedly until it's clean. Then Nickerson says to sprinkle baking soda on the area to help remove the smell, vacuuming it up 24 hours later.

    Avoid Ammonia

    • When cleaning up a cat odor mess, you want to make sure the cat doesn't return and urinate on the same area again. warns that cat urine has an ammonia-based smell, meaning that if you use a cleaner with ammonia in it, you'll only draw your cat back to the area.