How to Catch a Kitten Without a Cage

Whether it's the offspring of a feral cat or a pet that wandered away from home, it's a good idea to protect a kitten from predators by catching it. But, young felines are not always easy to wrangle, and they can quickly run away to safe hiding places when approached. Many trappers use cages to capture animals, but it's more effective and enjoyable to lure a kitty to safety.

Things You'll Need

  • Kitten food
  • Tuna or sardines
  • Thick gloves
  • Weighted throw net or hoop net
  • Carrying case
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    • 1

      Feed the cat. Set out some kitten food at the same time every day. Leave it in an area that you can easily access. Also, stay near the food when the kitten eats it. This will establish a relationship between you and the kitty. The kitten should begin associating you with a positive thing -- its food -- and will make the kitten it more trusting when you approach it.

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      Set out tuna, sardines or another food with a strong scent that will lure the kitten when it's time to catch it. Place this food in the same area and at the same time as previous feedings.

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      Catch the kitten using a pair of thick gloves, if possible. Grab the feline by its scruff, the loose fur on the back of its neck. Move quickly, because the cat will probably try to run away as soon as you approach it.

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      Use a net to capture the kitten if you weren't able to grab it with your gloved hands. There are a few styles of nets designed to capture wild animals without harming them. A throw net has weighted edges that keep it secured over the animal. A hoop net is attached to the end of a long handle and can be tethered shut after the cat is inside.

    • 5

      Pick up both the captured kitten and the net together using the thick gloves. Place the cat and the net over an animal carrier case and put only the cat inside.