How Can You Tell If Your Newborn Kittens Are Male or Female?

After the birth of a newborn kitten, picking names is something you might be anxious to do. But you can't really name the cuddly fur ball without knowing the kitten's sex. The sex of newborn kittens isn't obvious. Reproductive organs don't start to appear visually different in either sex until several weeks of age. The younger the animal, generally the more difficult to distinguish the sex. Repeat the gender check in a few weeks to make sure you have assigned a name that fits the sex.


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      Pet the kitten to make sure it's calm. A mother cat can be protective over kittens, so take the kitten into another room. Lift the cat's tail with your fingers.

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      Look for the newborn kitten's anus. The anus is near the root of the tail. Find the genital opening underneath the anus and note the distance between it and the anus.

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      Pick up another newborn kitten and compare it with the first. If the anus on the kittens is close to the opening, the cat is female. If a larger space exists, the cat is male. By comparing a few kittens, you should be able to tell which are male and which are female.

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      Take the kittens to an veterinarian's office if you cannot tell the sex of any or all. Staff members or a veterinarian will be able to tell you the sex of the animals.

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      Make mental notes of any markings on the animals to remember the sex of the animal after it's been identified.