Introducing Cats
If you are introducing cats from different places it is highly recommended that you separate them at first, but in a way that allows them to smell each other. They will be able to smell each other through a gap under a door, so this is easily accomplished. Some people let the cats into a mutual area in turn so they can get used to each other's smell, or switch bedding for the same reason. How the cats react will dictate when you allow them to interact. Some will behave aggressively, some will be nonchalant. If you are introducing adult cats this can be a lengthy process but kittens under 6 months old will be easier to introduce.
Two Cats Are Better Than One
Whether two cats are half the trouble of one or twice the trouble depends on the cats, and on your expectations of them. Kittens are very energetic, and two kittens can be huge fun as they chase each other and explore together. Two kittens also have twice the opportunity to wake you up at 4 a.m. when they are ready to play. After they reach a year old they are less likely to have night play attacks.
Care of Two Cats
Two cats relaxing together If you decide to feed them from one dish, make sure it is big enough for both to eat at the same time, and start this as soon as you get them. It might be necessary to have two food bowls, but one water bowl should be enough. Be aware that there will be more frequent cleaning of the litter tray, but they will probably be content to share a tray, if they do so from an early age.
More Cats
The most important thing about having one male and one female cat is that it can lead to more cats, so getting them sterilized early is essential. One of each sex in the same house means you could have a litter of kittens before the female is a year old, which is not good for her and probably not for you either. A vet will usually spay or neuter and vaccinate at the same time.
Are One Female & One Male Kitten Compatible?
Unless a kitten has been raised in isolation or has been traumatized by other animals, it will be quite easy to introduce another kitten of either sex, and be confident that they will settle down and play together within a couple of days. If they are from the same litter then there is rarely a compatibility problem.