Tabby Cat Behavior

The tabby is not a breed of cat. The name "tabby" refers to the striped or spotted pattern on the cat's fur and is the most common type of coloration in cats. Tabby cats can be found domestically and in the wild. A tiger is a striped tabby, and a lion is a tabby agouti.
  1. Wild Tabby

    • According to cat behaviorist Anne Moss of The Cat Site, the color variations in wild tabby cats (tigers, lions and leopards) is believed to help with camouflage. The colored stripes and spots are formed by two distinct colors of hair on the cat's body, and blend naturally into the surrounding landscape. This makes the big cats' stalking more effective as they are often able to get very close to the prey without detection. Cubs are protected from predators as their markings are designed to blend with their surroundings.

    Domestic Tabby

    • Domestic tabby cats are abundant and like all other cats are naturally inquisitive creatures. According to Perfect Paws Cat Training, a tabby cat will practice hunting techniques passed from mother to kitten, even when well-fed. Tabbies also engage in nocturnal play-hunting activities and seek out high perches by climbing on whatever is available.

    Behavior Modification

    • As with all cats, a domestic tabby can damage your belongings if not properly trained through redirection. Simple tools, such as a squirt water bottle or making a loud noise, are useful in stopping a cat that is engaging in unacceptable behaviors. Redirecting your tabby when you catch it doing something wrong is another way to train it.