Kittens should be handled early and often. A kitten should be grasped gently under the belly, held closely to your body and its back feet supported with your free hand. This position is both comfortable and reassuring to the kitten.
Cooperative Cats
A cat used to handling is considered cooperative. These cats are easier to handle but the main thing is to use a soothing voice as you lift the cat by the abdomen, taking care to hold the animal's front legs so they cross each other. Hold the cat close to your body and cradle its chin with your free hand. This position makes the cat feel secure.
Nervous Cats
An apprehensive cat should be approached slowly. Picking the cat up by the scruff of the neck is not cruel and in fact mimics the behavior of the cat's mother when it was a kitten. Most cats when lifted this way will go limp and can then be transported or caged safely.
Frightened Cats
A frightened cat must be approached with caution. Placing a towel or a piece of clothing over the cat will calm it. Wait a moment or two, then slide the material under the cat and lift the whole bundle.
Cat Handling Protocol
Early handling of kittens is a good way to acclimate them to human touch and socialize them. This is useful in later situations where the cat must be handled for medical procedures or transportation.