Signs From a Cat That They Like You When Adopting a Rescue Cat

Adopting a cat from a shelter or a rescue can be a risky proposition. While there may be little to no information about the cat or kitten's genetics, it is possible to make a good choice based on the animals personality. Knowing how to identify a cat that is interested and friendly in its potential owner can help you discover an excellent pet.
  1. Eager to Play

    • Friendly cats are interested in playing with the people around them, even if they are not quite ready to come close. Bring along a piece of string, or a cat toy of some sort, and try to entice the kitten or cat to bat at it. A cat who is willing to come closer to play with a toy can be socialized with time, but a cat who hides in the corner and rejects attempts at playing, even from a distance, may not warm up to you. Some cats can be coaxed into coming closer after you have played with them for a little bit, so it is important to allocate plenty of time to getting to know the kittens before you make your choice.


    • A cat who likes you is going to approach you. Cats are naturally curious and if you sit with them in a socialization area, they may come up to you immediately. Shyer cats may stand at a bit of a distance to inspect you, while bolder cats will start climbing on you immediately. Curiosity is a sign of a well-socialized cat, and a curious cat will make the transition from the shelter to your home much more easily than a cat that is nervous or fearful.

    Easy to Pet

    • A cat that is willing to be petted and stroked is likely one that likes you. If you adopt a cat from a shelter, there is a chance that it may have been abused or neglected before in its life. A rescue cat that is comfortable with touching from humans will be a friendlier animal than one who shies away from your touch. Pouncing or light biting can also be a sign that the cat likes you, but keep in mind that these behaviors can be problematic if you do not train them out.