How to Stop Tom Cats From Spraying

Spraying is a natural behavior of sexually mature tom cats, used to mark territory and attract females. The scent is strong and unpleasant, and difficult to eliminate once you find it on carpets, furniture or your clothing. Undesirable spraying behaviors are a major cause of tom cats ending up homeless in shelters, or even being euthanized by well-meaning owners at the end of their wits with their pet.


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      Eliminate any possibility that your cat is ill. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease presents in cats with sudden spraying or 'accidents' around the house, according to Petalia. This disease is treated with antibiotics and diet to maintain the health of the cat.

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      Deny your cat access to windows and doors in the house that overlook the yard. If your tom cat is witnessing his neighbors and rivals roaming about and marking, he is likely to counter the threat by marking his own territory.

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      Calm your cat if his stress levels seem too high. Stress is a major factor in territorial spraying. There are products on the market that mimic the facial gland secretion of a cat. Cats leave these markings when they are relaxed and happy, and if you can place those odors around the cat's area, it can have a calming effect and discourage spraying.

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      Separate cats in a multi-cat home. There is often marking and competition for territory if there are too many cats in the house. Giving each cat his own area or room with separate litter boxes, beds and meals can alleviate spraying caused by multiple cats.