Unusual Behaviors in Cats

Cats can be great pets, but no one is likely to deny that their behavior can be a little odd. As cat owners we become accustomed to some of these strange acts, but occasionally the cat may behave in such a way that we must ask why. In most cases these episodes of unusual behavior are nothing to be alarmed about, but knowing the reasons behind it will allow you to understand the animal and possibly implement changes that will make your cat a happier critter.
  1. Eating Grass

    • Cats like to drink milk, eat fish and dine on the occasional mouse. Cat foods are protein-rich to satisfy the carnivorous needs of the feline, so when a cat gobbles up a mouthful of grass it is a bit bizarre to pet owners. But there is a reason for it, most likely.

      In the wild cats eat grass to aid digestion, according to the Cats and Behavior website. Cats in domestic setting are likely to do the same from time to time. If the cat is nibbling on your potted plants, they are simply making a substitution. Cats also eat grass to cause vomiting. This helps to clear their systems of hairballs left over from grooming that may be causing a blockage.

    Anti-Social Behavior

    • A typically playful and loving cat that suddenly becomes anti-social and hides or acts scared can be disturbing to its owner. This unusual behavior is typically a signal that some change in the cat's lifestyle has made it uneasy.

      If the behavior accompanies the presence of a new person, then the explanation is simple. Until the cat gets used to having a new person around it may act this way and try to avoid contact with you and the person in question for a while. A new pet is likely to set off a similar reaction.

      The presence of a new person or pet is not the only cause of this behavior. In fact, simply rearranging furniture or moving the usual spot where you always feed the cat or even neglecting to clean out the litter box can cause this type of behavior. It is usually just a signal that something in the cat's life is not as it is accustomed to experiencing.

    Midnight Run

    • You are sleeping soundly and suddenly hear the fast thumping of feet across the floor of the adjoining room. Perhaps something gets knocked over in the process. Suspecting that there is an intruder in your home, you have your thumb on the telephone ready to call 911. Then you realize it is only your cat up for an evening of fun in the middle of the night. It runs from room to room wildly and swats at toys or shadows and makes all kinds of noises that prevent you from getting a good night's sleep.

      Luckily, you don't have an intruder this time. But you do have a restless cat. This odd behavior has a totally sensible explanation. Cats are hunters in the wild and typically hunt at night. Their instinct may make them playful at night as they go about the task of "hunting." Also, if a family is away all day at work, the cat is likely to sleep. This reserves all the cat's energy for later. Try to remember to wear your cat down at night with toys to get it in the mood to snooze.