Questions About House Cats

Humans and cats have had relationships for many years. The ancient Egyptians were the first to domesticate the felis catus. Felis catus is the species that all types of cats belong to, from lions to Persians. House cats, like all cats, are natural hunters--able to see and stalk prey at night. Cats also have good hearing and balance. According to National Geographic, about 30 percent of households own at least one cat.
  1. Why do cats knead?

    • Kneading is when a cat claws and paws furniture or clothing. A cat may also suck on the material. When a cat is a kitten, this is how it nurses and some cats continue to repeat the same actions as they grow older as a sign of contentment and pleasure.

    What do a cat's tail movements mean?

    • Cats may move their tails certain ways according to their mood. A bent forward tail up in the air is a sign that the cat is in a proud mood. When the tail gently sways side to side the cat is content. If the tail moves up and down quickly the cat is annoyed. Quick flips of the tip of the tail that do not last long are greetings. If the tail fur is frizzed out it means something scared the cat.

    Why do cats rub against objects?

    • Cats naturally want to claim their humans and surroundings. They do this by rubbing their bodies across them. Cats have glands which produce pheromones in their face. These pheromones are transferred to objects that cats rub across to let other animals know this human or object is theirs.

    Why do cats roll on their backs?

    • A cat's stomach is a vulnerable area that cats often keep hidden. A cat rolling onto it's back is a sign that the cat feels content and safe with its environment. This rare cat greeting is a compliment--letting you know how much the cat cares for you and how secure you make it feel.

    Why do cats use litter boxes?

    • In the wild, cats bury their feces so their presence is unknown. Even domestic house cats carry this trait. Cats often quickly learn litter training because it is their instinct.

    Why do cats purr?

    • Cats are the only animals that purr. Kittens purr to let the mother know the cat is content and getting milk. Purring happens when a house cat is experiencing a strong feeling, such as contentment, labor, anxiety, anticipation or pain.

    Why do cats get stuck in trees?

    • Cats claws are designed for climbing. Many times a cat climbs high into a tree but turns around to discover the claws do not work the same way going back down. This may worry a cat and cause him to sit and meow. Cats eventually discover how to come down correctly--climbing down backwards, not face first.