How to Easily Take Care of Cats

Having a cat requires a lot of time, dedication and care, but in the end can be very rewarding. While cats are definitely more independent pets than other animals, like dogs, they still require a great deal of attention and care.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter box and litter
  • Cat food
  • Food/water bowl
  • Bed
  • Scratching post
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      Keep your cat indoors as much as possible. As much as cats enjoy being outside and exploring, there are countless dangers that could seriously injure or even kill your pet. As a backup, give your cat a collar with all of your personal information. Having a microchip implanted is also a good idea.

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      Regularly take your cat to the veterinarian for health check-ups and vaccinations. This will ensure that your cat has a long and healthy life without any unforeseen complications.

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      Spay or neuter your cat. This dramatically increases a cat's health and helps prevent behavioral issues.

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      Clean the litter box frequently.

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      Learn about what food you should feed your cat and how often your cat should be fed. Fresh, clean water should always be available for your cat.

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      Keep your cat clean. Brush them often to keep their coat clean and healthy and make sure to clip their claws on occasion.

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      Play with your cat and show it affection. There are hundreds of cat toys available and no two cats are the same when it comes to entertainment. Experiment with different types of toys and find those that your cat seems to enjoy the most. Never try to force your cat to play with you. If your cat wishes to be left alone it will hiss and scratch, meaning you need to back off and give it some time alone.