How to Train a Cat to Ride in a Vehicle

Typically cats do not enjoy riding in the car and can become very stressed by the closed-in environment, strange sounds and unfamiliar motion. Training your cat to feel safe and secure in the cat carrier will dramatically ease the stress and make for a much more pleasant ride.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat carrier
  • Cat treats
  • Car
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    • 1

      Find a cat carrier that is right for your cat. Make sure there is plenty of room for your cat to move around and lie down comfortably. It should also be easy to pick up and carry.

    • 2

      Put the cat carrier somewhere familiar and leave it there for a while. Let your cat investigate it for a few days and become comfortable with it.

    • 3

      Put your cat's favorite toy into the cat carrier and try to play with your cat in the carrier. Use small treats to reward your cat for going into the carrier and staying there. Do this for several days.

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      Close the door on the carrier while your cat is voluntarily inside, but not all the way. If your cat shows any signs of discomfort, open the door and let it out. As your cat becomes more comfortable with this, try closing the door all the way and locking it.

    • 5

      Carry your cat around the house while it is inside the carrier and do this several times so your cat can become comfortable with the carrier's motion.

    • 6

      Take your cat, while in its carrier, on a short drive in a quiet area with very little traffic. Bring treats to reward your cat and to let it know that it is doing a good job. While you drive, have someone sit next to the cat, talking to it and petting it gently to keep it calm. If your cat gets upset, stop the car and calm it down with treats, gentle petting and soft words. Never startle your cat.

    • 7

      Gradually increase the length of the car rides as your cat grows more comfortable with it.