How to Take Care of Tabby Cats

A tabby cat is any cat with broken stripe markings on its fur. Often sporting an "M" shape on their forehead, these cats are as likely to be purebreds as they are mixed breed. Whether pedigreed or not, a tabby cat has certain basic needs that must be met in order to remain happy and healthy. These needs are often simple to meet and create the opportunity for a well-fed, well-behaved, well-adjusted tabby to thrive in life.


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      Feed your cat a food rich in protein. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they eat meat and only meat. Tabby cats are no different from their wild ancestors in this way. A small amount of vegetable matter is permissible, mimicking what a wild cat would consume from it's prey's stomach contents.

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      Allow your cat access to fresh, clean water. Tabby cats who are fed a diet of moist or wet food do not drink as much as those who eat dry foods, but should still have round the clock access to an adequate supply of water.

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      Secure proper veterinary care for your tabby cat. Take your cat to the vet once a year at minimum. The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends cats receive vaccinations for rabies, Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and the Feline Panleukopenia Virus (feline distemper). Other vaccines may be administered by a vet on an as-needed basis. Routine physical examinations rule out other health problems in tabby cats, including obesity, diabetes, thyroid problems, bone and joint disorders, dental problems and ocular diseases.

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      Provide toys for your tabby cat to play with. Tabbies are curious and inquisitive creatures. Many are great hunters. Balls, fake mice, laser pointers, sticks, string and pieces of furniture that allow the tabby to climb and run are all excellent choices, according to "Cats for Dummies."

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      Set up a litter box for your tabby cat. The litter mimics the sandy soil preferred by cats when they eliminate. Set up the litter box in a tranquil, out of the way part of your home for an optimal, stress free situation.

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      Spend quality time with your tabby cat. Tabby cats need affection and human interaction to remain happy. Kittens who are introduced to human interaction at a young age are less likely to become aggressive or fearful, according to "Handbook of Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat."