Spaying Dogs
The recommended age for spaying dogs is around six months. Early spaying can hinder the adolescent dog's growth spurt. Pet owners who wait to spay may find themselves with a litter of unwanted puppies. One disadvantage with spaying is that it is irreversible. If you're considering breeding your dog, this is an issue to take into account. Other disadvantages include a minor increase in aggressiveness in some females and an increased risk of urinary incontinence. About 10 percent of spayed dogs gain weight. Some breeds' coats will soften after spaying.
Spaying Cats
The recommended age for spaying female cats is around six months. While it is easier to spay prior to the cat's first heat, it is possible to spay during a heat cycle. The major disadvantage of the procedure is the scope of the operation, which involves entry into the abdominal cavity. A small percentage of cats have issues with the anesthetics used or with post-operative hemorrhaging. Spayed cats require less food that non-spayed cats and without a reduction in food intake, there is a chance of weight gain. Some females exhibit slightly aggressive behavior for a few hours after the procedure.
Spaying Rabbits
The recommended age for spaying rabbits is around six months. Early spaying increases the risks associated with the procedure and surgery on rabbits two years or older requires a thorough health check. There is always risk associated with surgery and some rabbits have negative reactions to anesthetics. There is a danger of internal damage if a newly-spayed female is mounted by a male. Most females will experience a reduction in appetite in the days after the operation and some rabbits will pull out the stitches from the procedure.
The Disadvantages of Spaying
Spaying, or ovariohysterectomy, is the removal of a female animal's uterus and ovaries through a surgical procedure. Spaying prevents overpopulation, mammary and ovarian cancer, and other medical risks associated with reproduction. While most commonly performed on dogs and cats, it is also performed on other animals including rabbits. As with any surgical procedure, there are disadvantages associated with the procedure.