How to Prepare Your Cat for Your Vacation

Going on vacation can be so much fun for you but not so much for your cat that's staying home. With some preparation, you can make the vacation tolerable if not outright fun for your cat.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat food
  • Cat litter
  • Toys
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      Decide where your cat will stay. You have a couple options: board the cat or keep him at home. Generally your cat will be much happier at home. He is happiest around his stuff and yours and will not find joy in meeting new cats if boarded. If you must board, search for cat boarders in your area on Google.

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      Arrange for his home care. The best option is to have one of your cat loving friends stay in your home while you're gone. If that isn't possible, find a cat sitter who will come in daily to feed and play with your cat. If your cat will be cared for by someone he doesn't know, have that person visit before you go on vacation.

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      Stock up on his favorite foods. This is no time to try to change his diet. Buy enough of his favorites to last until several days after you return. You don't want to have to go shopping for food the minute you return home.

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      Stock up on cat litter. Again, get the litter your cat likes and knows. Buy enough to last for a week after you get home. Clean the litter box right before you leave.

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      Plan for your cat's entertainment. Get him a couple new toys. Hide one someplace where you know your cat will discover it. What a fun surprise for him! Leave one for the cat sitter so she'll have a new toy with which to engage your cat in play.

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      Talk to your cat about the trip. Some people think your cat will understand and even if he doesn't, the time spent talking to him will be comforting to him.