How to Care for Barn Cats

Cats are a popular choice for a pet because of their general docile attitudes with humans, cleanliness and friendliness to their owners. Cats provide hours of fun for both children and adults, and are treated by their masters as an extra member to the family. Barn cats, or outdoor cats as they are also called, are given the most freedom, since they will wander outside and hunt for food on their own. Despite the fact that these cats are very independent, they still require proper care and treatment in order to live long, happy lives.

Things You'll Need

  • Food and water bowls
  • Litter box
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      Set aside an enclosed place to house a new barn cat for one to two weeks. A newly adopted or purchased barn cat will need time to adjust to its new home. This enclosed place should include food and water bowls, and a litter box. These necessities will eventually allow the cat to feel more at home.

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      Allow the cat to venture outside of its enclosed area by opening doors around the house. Make sure to always keep the cat's food, water and litter box in the same place so that it will always return and feel at home when it does. Barn cats are outdoor cats, and thus should be allowed to roam around outdoors. In order to do this, leave a low window or door open during nice weather. Opening up your home and outdoors to the cat allows it to explore on its own and feel independent and adjusted.

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      Provide access to food, shelter and water at all times. While outdoor cats are very independent and can hunt outdoors on their own, it is still your responsibility as an owner to provide the cat with proper care. Also, ensure there are no outdoor dangers to the cat, such as aggressive dogs or other animals.

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      Keep you cat's vaccines up to date. Cats need a booster shot one year from adoption or purchase, and an additional shot once every three years for their lifetime. Immediately take your cat to a vet if it is sick or injured.