Determine the reason your cat paws. Is he stretching his claws on inappropriate objects, such as your furniture? Or does he paw at your chest to get you up at (what seems to you like) unreasonable hours? Figuring out how your cat̵7;s mind works is the first step in finding a solution to the issue.
Provide alternative clawing areas to encourage positive clawing behavior. Cats claw things. They do this instinctively to stretch and sharpen their claws, so if your cat is pawing at your dinette set, it may be a sign that he needs a designated kitty scratching post. Encourage your cat to paw at his post by rubbing a pinch of catnip on it, and praising him vigorously when he uses it. Do not yell at or hit your cat under any circumstances; this only teaches him to avoid and fear you. Check your cat̵7;s nails regularly to determine if they are becoming overgrown.
Break reinforcement cycles. When your cat paws at you, he may be vying for attention, trying to get food, or simply enjoying the reaction he gets when you jump up and start chasing after him. Whether you mean to or not, acknowledging your cat in any way when he paws at you only serves to reinforce his behavior. Ignore these pleas for attention or food, and only respond to your cat when he discontinues his pawing. Eventually, he will learn that pawing at you does not yield a response, and will give up.
Provide plenty of toys and stimuli to keep your cat active, happy and healthy. Keeping your cat busy and entertained is perhaps the best way to discourage unwanted behaviors, such as pawing and scratching. Giving your cat positive outlets for his energy will help to prevent him from finding other ways to expend it, and as any cat owner knows, our feline friends are masters of discovering the most creative ways to wreak havoc when they are bored.
How to Stop a Cat From Pawing
Cats are very tactile animals that use their paws for everything from grooming, to eating, to investigating their surroundings. Unfortunately for pet owners, your cat may not always understand that it̵7;s not OK to use their paws to wake you up in the morning, or claw up your new leather furniture. As the human, your responsibility lies in learning why your cat is doing what it does, and taking steps to steer your feline friend toward more acceptable ways of using his feet.