Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pet Urine Smells in Laundry Forever

Cats use their litter box under normal circumstances but occasionally they will urinate on laundry, especially if they are feeling stressed. Cat urine produces a particularly strong odor that you definitely want to remove from your clothes as soon as possible. A number of good urine removal products are on the market, but you're better off to just use simple home remedies to get rid of the smell forever. You'll save money and remove the smell safely and efficiently.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

    • Apple cider vinegar is one of the best and most common home remedies for removing cat urine smells from laundry. You can purchase apple cider vinegar in any grocery store for a few bucks. It's safe to use on any clothing and won't cause any skin irritation or discoloration of clothes. Place the clothes you wish to clean in the washer with the normal detergent and start the cycle. Add 1/4 cup of vinegar to the wash during the final rinse cycle and finish the load. This small amount of vinegar should be sufficient to take out the smell. If the smell remains, wash the clothes again with a full cup of apple cider vinegar, then add another half cup during the final rinse cycle. Don't dry the clothes until the smell is eradicated because the heat may seal the smell permanently.

    Baking Soda

    • Baking soda is also effective for the removal of cat odors. You can purchase baking soda at any grocery store if you don't already have some in the cupboard. Baking soda is safe to use and won't ruin your clothes. Just pour a 1 lb. box of baking soda into the machine with your regular detergent and run the cycle. Baking soda effectively absorbs bad smells, including cat urine.


    • You can also try using enzymes to take out the smell. Urine Gone is a popular enzyme-based odor removal product. You can add it to your regular detergent just like you do with apple cider vinegar and baking soda. The enzymes will effectively "eat" the urine smell out of your clothes.