Help for Cat Allergies

There are many cat lovers out there who are depriving themselves of the companionship of a cat, simply because of their allergies. However, this may not be necessary. Cat allergies are extremely common, affecting over a quarter of all people. If the allergies are only mild to moderate and not severe, a few tips can help you reduce the amount of cat dander in your home.
  1. Symptoms and Cause of Cat Allergies

    • It is important to notice the symptoms of cat allergies before they worsen. Common signs that you have a cat allergy are coughing, red/irritated eyes, a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and rashes where the cat has come in contact with you. Depending on the severity of these symptoms, they may or may not be able to be reduced. Also, keep in mind that symptoms can appear any time from instantly until hours after you have been in contact with the cat. Cat allergies are caused by the cat's saliva. The saliva contains an allergen called Fel d 1, and when cats lick themselves it spreads, triggering the allergic reactions.

    Treatment of Cat Allergies

    • Contact your doctor about your allergies. Chances are he will prescribe decongestants, antihistamines or other medicines. Decongestants such as Sudafed, will (obviously) help with the congestion. Antihistamines such as Zyrtec help stop the effects of histamine (the chemical that causes many allergy symptoms). A doctor may even prescrube shots for your allergies, though they may take a few years to have an effect. Even with all these medicines available, cat allergies can only be dulled and not prevented altogether.

    Tips to Help Reduce Cat Dander

    • If you don't already own a cat but are planning on purchasing one, make sure it has a shorthair coat rather than longhair. Longhaired cats tend to carry more dander. Make sure your bedroom is off limits to your cat, because sleeping with cat allergens all over your bed can worsen your allergies. Clean your house and wipe down all surfaces regularly. Replacing carpets with hardwood floors and curtains with blinds can help reduce the amount of cat hair around your home. Vacuum thoroughly in every area of your house twice a week. Keeping your cat in just one area of the house could also be very helpful, as the cat allergens would stay roughly in that one area. After petting or playing with your cat, do not touch your face and wash your hands thoroughly.