Pet Cat Information

According to the ASPCA, cats have finally overtaken dogs as the number one companion animal in America. Pet cats are easy to care for, fun to play with, and great to have around. If you've been thinking about adding a pet cat to your family, here a few things to know and consider.
  1. Considerations

    • There are a few things you'll need before you're ready to invite a feline into your home: high quality food, litter and a litter box, toys, treats and a pet carrier.


    • There are more than 100 different recognized breeds of cats, including famous examples like Siamese, Persian and Manx cats. But the vast majority of the feline population aren't part of a specific breed at all.


    • Not only are cats cuddly, but researchers at the University of Minnesota have presented a study that found that cat ownership could reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack.


    • Cats were first domesticated between 8,000 and 9,000 years ago, in ancient Egypt. Egyptians so revered cats that they worshiped a cat goddess named Bastet.

    Famous Ties

    • Cats have been the fascination of many famous writers, including T. S. Eliot (whose work was later turned into the Broadway Musical "Cats"), William S. Burroughs and Thomas Hardy. Mark Twain was also a fond admirer of cats, and once said "If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat."


    • Many people feel that cats are the perfect indoor/outdoor pet, but veterinarians and the ASPCA strongly advise keeping cats indoors.