How to Tell If Your Cat Is Psychic

If you own a cat, most likely it's the other way around; s/he owns you. Because cats are mysterious by nature, you can expect your cat to be highly intuitive - especially since all of his or her senses are so keen, including the Sixth Sense....

Things You'll Need

  • a cat, of course
  • an open mind
  • a willingness to experiment
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      Cats have long been revered for their intuitive abilities. The ancient Egyptians called their cats "Mau" which means "the seer or to see." You can also see if your cat can read your mind, or, even more fortuitously, save your life. If you live in an earthquake zone (like California), you can bet your cat will predict an earthquake before the rumbling starts. The first step to determining the psychic abilities of your cat is to study your cat's body language. If your cat is behaving strangely, exhibiting some unusual body language (tail down), ears down, disappearing, you can bet something is afoot in your life or your location...

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      It has been demonstrated scientifically that cats understand at least 100 words. If that is true, when we think of a word (like "play" or "food") before we even say it, our cat might know what we're visualizing, and head for the catnip mouse, yarn ball or the food dish. You can test your cat's thinking by seeing yourself, in your mind, adding food to the cat bowl. If your cat wanders over to the bowl, right as you are thinking of it (at a random time), while seated on the couch, you have established telepathy with your pet. Of course, you will need to practice this more than once, to validate it and determine it was not coincidence.

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      Another test is to sit quietly with your cat (but not at meal time), and lovingly stroke your pet. In your mind (but not aloud), repeat how much you love and treasure your cat. Your cat may continue purring, even though you have stopped stroking and petting. If you ask your cat, silently, "Do you love me?" wait for the cat to respond in a meaningful way, with a lick, more intense purring or a good face rub against your hands. You may need to practice this test a few times to see if you can actually communicate, mind to mind. Even if it takes a while, both you and your cat will benefit from the stress-reducing close contact you enjoy. But, given your willingness to experiment, in a relaxed manner, and the cat's intuitive skills, you should be able to demonstrate ESP.

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      Experts say all cats are psychic - but in particular, the Japanese Bobtail. We had a wonderful Manx, Omen Rainbow, who loved to play. She must have sensed our delight, as she never turned down an offer to play or to make us laugh - like when she tried to hide inside my cowboy boots, snuggle inside the giant (empty) antique fish bowl, and play peek-a-boo with family and friends. She was always game and quite uncat-like in her sense of friendliness. She must have sensed how important play was to our family life. Over the many years I've had dogs, I've never had a pet so consistently playful as Omen R.