About Cat Urine

Cat urine is something that every cat owner has to deal with at one point or another. The strong odor has given cats a bad name. Cat urine has high levels of protein in it which is the reason for the repulsive smell. The scent can catch anyone off guard because it is a very unpleasant odor that is difficult to get rid of. Some cats feel the need to mark their territory on some of our most prized possessions. This is especially true for male cats that are not neutered because these cats tend to be more aggressive. Cat urine is a major concern especially for cat owners.
  1. Function

    • Even though cat urine is one of the most offensive smells on the planet it still serves some very important functions. For instance, cat urine flushes out toxins that accumulate in a cat's body. Just like in humans cats eliminate waste through their urine. Even cat's who are fed an organic cat food or other healthy treats will street excrete toxins from their urine because toxins are a by product of our environment. Humans, cats and other animals are exposed to toxins on a daily basis from water, food, and even the air we breathe. Cat urine has a stronger odor as compared to other animals because it is more acidic. The main purpose for this is so that cats can ward off other animals and even other cats from their territory. The urine actually helps to protect them from potential predators.


    • There are many things you can do in advance to prevent cat urine from becoming a problem in your home. The first step you need to take is having your cat spayed or neutered before they reach maturity (pre-puberal). Unless you are a reputable breeder and you plan on breeding the animal it is always a good idea to have him or her spayed or neutered. According to, Dr. Dick Rosebrock sterilizing your cat early can help to prevent overpopulation as well as spraying problems in the future.
      Even when a pet is sterilized remember that sudden life changes can also cause behavioral problems like spraying. Some things which can cause a cat to begin urinating are moving, a new baby, a new pet, stress in the home, sick family member or other stressors. Before getting rid of an animal be sure to attempt to stop the behavior by working with the cat to stop him or her from marking. One thing you can do to correct the behavior is to buy a treatment called sour apple. The treatment involves spraying it on the areas where the cat is urinating in the home and after the cat tastes the strange sour taste he or she will be less likely to mark. Follow the directions on the bottle for best results.
      Always keep a clean litter box. Cats are extremely picky and they actually like cleanliness which is why they bathe themselves often by licking their fur. Cat urine is unlikely to become a problem if the cat has access to a fresh litter box at all times.


    • If your cat has a difficult time making it to the litter box on time this could indicate a health problem such as a urinary infection. Other signs to watch out for are blood in the urine, pain, straining, frequent urination and excessive licking. If your cat has never marked before and all of a sudden he or she is spraying then this could also mean that there is an underlying medical condition. Medical conditions like feline diabetes, feline colitis, as well as other infections are often diagnosed by problems with urination. If the odor in the litter box is stronger than it usually is then take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.


    • People who are allergic to the dander on cat fur are sometimes also allergic to cat urine as well. The reason for this is because cat urine gives off high levels of ammonia which tends to have an effect on allergy and asthma sufferers. The smell can even affect the lungs and cause breathing problems. These people tend to also be very sensitive to other chemicals and those who have severe allergies should not have cats. If you do have cats it is important to keep the litter box clean and fresh every single day for the health of the cats and the other family members who also share the home.


    • Before getting a cat consider the possible issues you might face with cat urine. You might want to consider spaying or neutering your cat early in order to prevent problems from arising. You can also consider keeping the cat outdoors although cats that spend their lives outdoors typically have a shorter life span and these cats can become ill more often. Once a cat has urinated on the carpet or clothing it can very difficult to get the smell out with regular cleaners. You may need to clean the carpet several times with a special enzyme treatment or if your cat has sprayed an area many times a professional carpet cleaning service may be your only hope.
      Cat owners can also get used to the scent of cat urine in their home so when guests come they will notice it more than the owner of the home.