How to Kitten Proof a Home

Kittens are a fairly easy pet to maintain and keep healthy. However, kittens are babies and still learning how to take care of themselves. It is important to take steps to provide kittens with a safe atmosphere as they learn what is and is not wise behavior. Go through the home or apartment where the kitten will be living and look at every detail through the eyes of a cat.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic covers for wires
  • Pet repellent spray
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  1. Kitten-Proofing Before The Pet Arrives

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      Remove fragile objects that your new kitten can reach. And remember that the kitten will quickly learn how to jump and climb, so secure fragile objects on even the highest shelves in rooms the pet will be allowed to prowl unsupervised.

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      Look for any substance that could be harmful to the kitten. Medicines, cleaning supplies and fertilizers should all be kept in cabinets the kitten cannot get into. Potpourri and air fresheners can also harm cats. Approach this step the same way you would think about child-proofing a home.

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      Know that daffodils and other houseplants are poisonous when ingested by kittens. Avoid them or place them out of the cat’s reach. Tobacco (whether in cigarette or patch form) will also poison kittens.

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      Wrap the cords to all window blinds and curtains around the top pole. Kittens often try to play with the cords to blinds, and can easily strangle themselves. Also keep the bottoms of long curtains wrapped and secured high above the pet’s reach. When the cat gets older and learns to use a scratching post, you won’t have to do this anymore.

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      Cover or remove all cables and electric cords to your television, stereo and computer. Animals love to chew on electric cables, and can easily get hurt or damage expensive equipment.

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      Look into spray products that can be applied to areas where you do not want kittens to go. The smell deters them until they learn to stop trying.

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      Daffodils and other house plants are poisonous when ingested by kittens. Avoid them or place them out of the cat’s reach. Tobacco in normal cigarettes or patches will also poison kittens.

    Monitoring Your Kitten's Safety

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      Be very aware of the dryer. A common danger is for kittens and cats to jump in an open dryer and accidentally get stuck when the door is shut. Always keep the dryer door closed, and double-check before shutting the door when you do your laundry.

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      Keep a constant eye on the floor where the kitten plays. Quickly remove stray wires, strings, fasteners, twist ties and rubber bands that the kitten could choke on.

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      Check underneath recliners and other adjustable chairs before lowering them. Cats may be sleeping there, and can get caught in the mechanisms. Close all drawers: A kitten may be able to climb behind a chest and get caught between it and the back of the drawer.

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      Always be cautious when opening your garage door or front door. If you are distracted, the kitten may run out unnoticed. Small kittens that are used to being indoors can easily get lost or hurt by other animals before you find them.

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      If the kitten has access to an upstairs balcony or patio, always stay with the pet. Young animals are still learning how far they can safely jump. Daring kittens are still clumsy, and may misjudge the distance or simply fall off a high ledge.