How to Prepare to Leave Cats for a Weekend

One benefit of having a cat for a pet--in addition to their furry affection--is that you can leave them unsupervised for a night or two, unlike a dog. But before you leave Fluffy alone, it's crucial that you prepare your home to keep him safe and happy while you're away. With a little bit of planning, you can rest easy that your feline will stay out of harm's way.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat Food
  • Water
  • Small Bowls
  • Cat Litter
  • Litter Box
  • Cat Toys
  • Blanket
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    • 1

      Decide which area of your home you're going to leave your cat in. It's a good idea to keep them confined to one or two rooms, since it will be easier to prepare this smaller space.

    • 2

      Scan the area you plan for them to stay and remove all items that could potentially harm your cat if it played with them, including small objects, strings, ribbons and sharp objects.

    • 3

      Clean the litter box just before you leave and be sure it is filled with plenty of clean, fresh litter.

    • 4

      Fill several small bowls with water. This way, if your cat tips one over, there will still be some left to drink.

    • 5

      Estimate how much food your cat eats in a given day. Multiply that amount by the number of days you will be gone, then add an extra day or two's worth of food just to be on the safe side.

    • 6

      Make sure the thermostat is left at a comfortable level, and turn off all the lights.

    • 7

      Leave a blanket and a few safe cat toys with your cat to keep him or her comfortable and entertained.