How to Befriend a Wild Cat or Kitten

Often, tamed feral cats or kittens can be great pets. A feral cat doesn't trust humans, but you can befriend a wild cat or kitten with food, as an easy meal is very tempting to a wild cat. Follow these steps to befriend a wild cat or kitten, but understand it might be a long process.

Things You'll Need

  • Canned tuna, mackerel or sardines
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    • 1

      Buy some sort of canned fish that smells very strongly. Tuna and mackerel are good, but sardines are nearly irresistible.

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      Bring the food to a spot where you regularly see the cat. You want the cat to see you bring the food so it will connect you with the delicious treat. You don't have to hang around to watch the cat eat for the first week or two, but bring the food every day.

    • 3

      Stay to watch the cat after a few weeks. Back up about 150 feet. This is far enough so that the cat knows you're there but won't feel threatened. Be very quiet and just sit while the cat eats.

    • 4

      Move closer to the food as the days pass, a few feet each time. Unless the cat or kitten is sick, it should begin to trust you.

    • 5

      Try to touch the cat when you think it may be ready for you to do so. Dip a finger in the food so that it smells good, and let the cat smell it. If it seems scared of your outreached hand, don't try to touch it yet. The first time you do try to pet the cat, stroke it only once and then retreat to show it that you mean no harm. Over time, the cat will trust you to pet it, and it will probably even begin to enjoy it and won't be scared of you any longer.