Things You'll Need
- Cat
- Dog
Testing a Cat for Dog Friendliness
Call the local animal shelter to see if they have a test room for adoptions. Many animal shelters and rescue leagues provide test areas for bringing in other pets for temperament testing. Even if you don't plan on adopting that day, it is a good idea to temperament test a pet cat prior to adoption.
Go to a neutral area of the home to do introductions in the home for the first time. Choose a large room so the cat has a place to get away, if it feels uncomfortable.
Let the cat set the pace of the introduction. If the pet cat seems to be ignoring the new dog or puppy, this is a good sign so don't force a close introduction. Cats take a long time to acclimate to changes in their environment, so allow the cat to hide if it feels safer.
Separate the pets immediately if fighting starts.