How to Make a Cat Room

We love to have cats as companions. The cat has passed the dog in number of cats that Americans have as pets. A cat is a wonderful companion. Each has his own personality and adds warmth and depth to your life. Occasionally we want to put our cat or cats in their own room, away from possible allergic guests or just to have some time to read the newspaper without finding a kitty pouncing through the middle of it. So, let's make a cat room.

Things You'll Need

  • A room being used for nothing else
  • Litter box for that room
  • Shelves, cat beds, toys
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  1. How to Make a Cat Room

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      Clean out a spare room in your house. If it has carpet in it, remove the carpet and replace it with a smooth floor that is easy to clean. Use 12" vinyl squares , loose lay vinyl or, if you can afford it, use ceramic or porcelain tile. Put kitty beds on the floor or special rugs that are kitty's favorites. Make sure you don't care if the rugs are clawed to pieces by your cats.

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      Paint a kitty mural on the wall. It could have pictures of cats, jungles or just be colorful. You can paint it yourself with your children helping or hire a professional mural painter to paint it. Just remember that you may sell the house someday and you may have to paint over it when you start marketing your house. Bearing that in mind, don't pay too much for a professional mural painter. The kitties don't really care.

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      If the room is close to a bathroom, add a water line to accommodate an automatic cat litter box that scoops and flushes waste and then washes itself. If you have multiple cats, this makes litter box cleaning easy for you. All you have to do is check it occasionally to ensure it is working properly. You will be letting your kitty out of the room at least once daily, so you can have a look at it then.

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      Install shelves at different levels for the kitty to lie on. Put the shelves under windows, so kitty can see the butterflies and birds outside. Make one shelf connect to another or hang them in a series of different levels so the cats can run all around the room on their shelves, never touching the floor.

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      Put plenty of cat toys in the room. Get cat toys that wiggle and bounce, that the cat can swat and it bounces back. Cats love toys that move.

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      Make sure the room is well heated in the winter and cool enough in the summer. You may have to install a special heater because the cat door will be closed unless you open it. If your house has central air conditioning, you may need to put a window unit in your cat room. The cat room air will not flow back to the central air return and will disrupt your air conditioning flow in the rest of your house.

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      Be sure to allow your cat out for his daily or nightly necessary TLC.