How to Play with a Kitten

Kittens play for a variety of reasons. They use play to practice for real life situations such as hunting for food and protecting themselves. They also play because its fun. Whatever their reason, playing with them can give you a good opportunity to bond with your kitten. It's also a good way help the kitten use its energy and aggression in a positive manner instead of taking it out on furniture.


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      Play with your kitten beginning when it is three weeks old. Play with the kitten 40 minutes a day to give it all the play time it needs.

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      Give your kitten an opportunity for social play. One main type of play kittens need is social play, which involves interacting and playing with another cat, person or object. Providing your kitten with this type of play is especially important if it does not have other kittens to play with.

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      Use an object for social play. It is best to use an object such as string or a dangling toy on a stick for social play instead of letting the kitten play directly with your hands. Letting the kitten take out aggression on you can cause bad habits. Dangle the toy around wildly and encourage the kitten to wrestle with it.

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      Provide for your kittens' predatory play needs. Another type of play kittens need is predatory play, which involves stalking, chasing and pouncing. For this type of play, encourage your cat to chase a laser pointer around the room or toss a small ball on the floor for her to bat around. You can also find battery-powered toys at pet stores that allow your kitten to chase an object.

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      Introduce your kitten to new toys. Rotate the toys you use to play with your kitten on a regular basis and throw in a new one occasionally to keep your kitten's interest in play at a peak level.