How to Stop a Cat From Eating Electrical Wires

Have you ever had a cat that has eaten something you really don't want it to eat? I have. This method works for stopping your cat from doing anything you don't want to.

Things You'll Need

  • A refillable spray bottle
  • Water
  • Vinegar
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      In the following article, you will learn a simple yet effective method to keep your cat from doing things you don't want it to do.

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      Take your refillable spray bottle. Fill it with water. When you have done this step, put some vinegar in it. You don't need a lot, otherwise your whole house will start stinking really badly.

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      Now, time to catch your cat in the act. When you do, you spray him with the vinegar water. Cats usually hate water, and the vinegar won't hurt it, just make it even more reluctant to do whatever it was doing. You can use this method a lot, for anything. If your cat jumps on the counter or starts chewing on your favorite leather chair, just spray it. This method works always.