What do cats when they like you?

When cats like someone, they display certain behaviors to express their affection and positive feelings. Here are some common signs that a cat may like you:

1. Rubbing: Cats often rub their heads, cheeks, or bodies against people they like as a way of marking them with their scent and showing familiarity.

2. Purring: Purring is a sound cats make when they are content and happy. If a cat purrs when you pet them or are around you, it's a good sign that they enjoy your presence.

3. Kneading: Cats may engage in a behavior called "kneading" or "making biscuits" by pressing their paws against soft surfaces like blankets or your lap. This behavior often indicates comfort and contentment.

4. Eye contact: Cats don't always make direct eye contact, but when they do and hold your gaze for a moment, it can be a sign of trust and fondness.

5. Tail up and arched: A cat's tail position can communicate its mood. When a cat holds its tail up and slightly arched, it's often a sign of happiness and openness to interaction.

6. Slow blinking: Cats sometimes slowly blink their eyes at people they like. This behavior is often referred to as "cat kisses" and can be interpreted as a sign of affection.

7. Gifts: Cats may bring you gifts, such as dead animals or toys, as a way of expressing their love and showing that they care for you.

8. Following: Cats often follow their favorite people around the house, indicating their desire for attention and companionship.

9. Vocalization: Some cats may express their liking through vocalizations such as chirping, trilling, or meowing with a specific inflection that they reserve for people they like.

10. Sleeping near you: Cats feel safe and comfortable with those they trust, and if a cat chooses to sleep near you or on you, it's a sign of their attachment to you.

Remember that every cat has its unique personality and may express affection in different ways, so it's important to observe and understand your cat's individual communication style.