The Best Lap Cat Breeds

Your perfect cat may be one that is affectionate and cuddly instead of reclusive and shy, and many cats will fall into this category. These kitties want nothing more than to spend time with you, cuddle and relax, but not every cat is lap cat. Some cat breeds are more prone to be affectionate than others.
  1. Burmese Cat

    • In 1930 Dr. Joseph Thompson imported Wong Mau̵2;the founding Burmese cat̵2;to San Francisco, and with her social, intelligent and laid-back personality, she quickly became a favorite. The Burmese breed is people-oriented: he doesn't like to be left alone and loves to nap in his owner's lap. Some individual Burmese cats will actually follow their owner around the house, hoping for a pat on the head.

    Himalayan Cat

    • The Himalayan is a type of Persian cat with the color points of a Siamese. The first Himalayan was named Newton's Debutante; he was bred by Virginia Cobb and Clyde Keeler in 1931. The Himalayan cat breed's personality is similar to that of the Persian: quiet yet playful. The Himalayan loves to nap in his owner's nap, but he generally does not demand attention.

    Persian Cat

    • The Persian was discovered in the Middle East in the early 1600s and became popular in Europe in the 19th century; in the late 1800s the breed was imported to America and quickly became popular. The Persian doesn't demand attention from her owner and can be selective as to who her favorite person is. But once she elects a favorite she'll be happy to cuddle up and watch TV all day, any day.

    Ragdoll Cat

    • The Ragdoll cat breed is a fairly new breed, gaining its name and popularity in 2005. This is a highly sought-after breed because of its affectionate, gentle and relaxed temperament. A Ragdoll cat can be very people-oriented, going limp when held.

    Siamese Cat

    • The Siamese cat was exported from Thailand, then known as Siam, in the late 1800s, but it didn't come to the United States until 1878. The breed is very active, playful and vocal: a Siamese will demand attention from you. He will generally bond to one person in the house and try to spend as much time in that person's lap as possible.