Why Do Cats Zig Zag Back and Forth in Front of You While Walking?

Most cat owners know how tricky it can be to walk with a feline underfoot. Cats frequently zig-zag in front of their owners and between their feet as they try to walk, which poses a hazard to both human and kitty alike. The reasons why your cat insists on walking in front of and between your feet vary, and range from simple game-playing to attempting to send you an important message.
  1. Marking Their Territory

    • When a cat rubs himself against an object, he leaves traces of his personal scent on that object -- this is how cats mark their territory, particularly after they've been neutered. If you notice that your cat rubs his face on furniture, pillows and countertops, this is the reason why. It's also one of the reasons that he walks underfoot -- it gives him the perfect means to run his body all over yours at a four-legged animal's level, coating you with his scent as you go.

    Leading the Way

    • If your cat is walking directly in front of you, he's likely trying to send you a message: "Follow me." Most frequently, he plans on leading you to either the kitchen or his food dish -- look for other signs that he's actively trying to get your attention, like looking back at you and meowing. When he gets underfoot, check his food and water, making sure that he has everything he needs.

    Playing Around

    • A playful cat is bound to get underfoot, walking in front of and between your legs as part of his own personal game. Some cats, for example, like to ambush ankles when you're least expecting it -- if he doesn't pop out from behind a piece of furniture to pounce at your feet, he may try to disorient you by walking in front and then quickly turning around to spring his attack.

    A Dangerous Habit

    • While it may seem endearing when he so clumsily gets in your way, you cat's habit of zig-zagging in front of you can turn dangerous. Every year, tens of thousands of people are hurt when they trip on or over a pet, so always keep close tabs on your cat's location. If he insists on walking in front of you, watch your step or pick him up until you get where you need to go, lest he unintentionally trip you up and hurt you both.