How to Quiet a Chatty Cat

Meowing is a cat's way of communicating. Whether a kitten is trying to tell the mother cat that he's hungry or an adult cat is trying to communicate with his owner, the chatty behavior is often inevitable. Excessive meowing can sometimes be a nuisance. You can stop this behavior, which is especially common in oriental cat breeds, by finding out what is triggering it and by addressing it accordingly.
  1. Visit the Veterinarian

    • A medical condition can trigger excessive vocalization in cats. This is also why cat owners should never ignore their cats' meowing. Your chatty cat may be losing his vision or hearing, or he may be in pain or suffering from a neurological disorder or anxiety problem. Take your cat to a veterinarian to determine if a medical condition is causing his chatty behavior. Treatment of the medical condition may stop the behavior.

    Ignore Your Cat

    • Ignoring your cat can stop his excessive chatter, but you should ignore it only if you're sure there's no serious condition triggering the behavior. Your cat may meow to get your attention. He may want food or want to go outside. Walk away and ignore his meowing so he understands it's not effective. Pay attention to him only when he's quiet. Avoid giving in to whatever it is that your cat wants from you, because this tells him that his chatter works, and he'll continue the behavior.

    Feline Pheromones

    • Cats naturally produce pheromones when they're stressed, scared or in heat. Certain pheromones can have a calming effect on your cat. Odorless pheromone sprays, diffusers and collars are available at your local pet store. When your cat inhales the pheromones, it helps him to relax and stop meowing. Even though these products are not known to have negative side effects, it's always best to consult your veterinarian before using new products.

    Prescription Medication

    • The environment your cat lives in can also make him chatty. He may start chatting to express his aggression toward other cats in the household or because he suffers from separation anxiety when you leave. Prescription medication can be used to help stop the excessive chattiness. Cat parents can ask their veterinarian about prescription medications to help calm their pet and stop the noise nuisance. The veterinarian can prescribe anti-anxiety medication or antidepressants.