Things You'll Need
- Water bowls
- Dishwashing liquid
- Bottled, distilled or filtered water
- Tuna in water
- Pet water fountain
Wash your cat's water bowl every day. Cats can refuse to drink water because of odors present on the bowl. Use dishwashing liquid and hot water to wash the bowl, or wash it in the dishwasher.
Fill your cat's bowl with bottled, distilled or filtered water if she doesn't seem to like tap water. Fill the bowl to the brim. According to Higgins Animal Clinic, cats don't like it when their sensitive whiskers touch the bowl.
Mix tuna juice into your cat's water. Open a can of water-based tuna. Drip two drops of the juice into your cat's drinking water. The added tuna flavor may entice your cat to drink the water.
Place multiple water bowls around the house to give your cat easy access to water.
Replace your cat's water bowl with a pet water fountain if your cat refuses to drink. Cats often prefer flowing water over stagnant water.