Cat Habitats for Motorhomes

Cats may seem ideally suited to the nomadic life of recreational vehicles. While they don't generally enjoy the wind in their faces as dogs do, they're more likely to accommodate to any instability and avoid injury if they do fall from time to time. One challenge for making a cat comfortable in a motorhome is finding a place for the cat to find high ground, where it can feel safe and in control. With space at a premium, look for ways to give kitty use of the space in back while you're driving.
  1. A Niche Over the Cab

    • A vehicle designed with a bed or other compartment above the cab, especially if it has windows on all sides, provides a near-perfect domain for nomadic felines. This space is actually better if it's too small for a human sleeping area. Remove any closure if it was designed as a storage area, and carpet the compartment with comforters. Place furniture within reach of the ledge, or mount small shelves on a nearby wall so the cat can go up and down at will.

    Basket on the Table

    • Though your cat may take some time to get used to riding in the moving vehicle, it will adapt more quickly if it can see out. Of course, it will also relax more readily if it has a sunny spot to do it in. Place a cat bed or basket near the window, such as on the end of the dining table. Attach wide elastic bands to the bed so you can keep it from sliding off with the cat as the motorhome moves.

    His Own Cabinet

    • Cut a hole in the door of a low cupboard and put the litter pan inside. Make sure there's enough height for kitty's front to be fully upright while taking care of business in the rear. You can use an upper shelf in that cupboard for storage of supplies -- but not kitty's food, please -- only if the shelf comes close enough to the door to prevent spilling while you're on the road. If things fall on your cat while using the pan, it may just decide to use some other space, such as the corner by your bed.

    Castle in the Air

    • Sacrifice a higher storage area to serve as a kitty retreat, whether in the kitchen or the bedroom. Take off one door and replace it with strips of cloth or other lightweight material so your cat can jump in for privacy but still keep an eye on what the people are doing. Pad the inner surface or use it to store the window bed when you're using the table.