The Best Way to Keep Kittens From Chewing on Wires

Caring for a kitten is almost like caring for a new baby; before bringing the kitten home, you must kitten proof all the rooms of your house. Kittens enjoy chewing by nature; especially when they are teething around the age of 4 months. A kitten that chews on electrical cords and wires can get injuries such as burns and experience heart, lung and muscle complications. Ultimately the behavior can be fatal. To protect your kitten; discipline it; and keep cords and wires out of its reach.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Water
  • Treats
  • Toys
  • Cat repellent
  • Rubbing alcohol, perfume or hot sauce
  • Wire guards
  • Tape
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      Fill a spray bottle with water. Spray your kitten with water when you catch it attempting to chew on wires. Kittens dislike water. The unexpected spritz will startle it; and stop the bad behavior.

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      Avoid picking up or yelling at your kitten to get it to stop chewing wires. This sends the wrong message; and your kitten may repeat the behavior just to get your attention. Instead, reward good behavior with treats, petting, grooming sessions or other interactions your kitten enjoys.

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      Provide your kitten with plenty of toys to play with. Regularly introduce new toys to keep your kitten busy and distracted; so it doesn't think about chewing on wires.

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      Apply cat repellent to the wires. Purchase a commercial cat-safe repellent at your local pet store. As an alternative, spray the wires with cheap, strong-smelling perfume or rubbing alcohol, or apply hot sauce to the wires. When your kitten tastes these substances, it will dislike them.

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      Cover wires with wire guards. Wire guards are rubber or hard plastic runners that cover the wires completely so your kitten can't see or get to them. As an alternative; tape wires together and place them out of your kittens reach. If your kitten can't get to the wires; it can't chew on them.