Here's why:
* Citrus fruits are toxic to cats. Clementines, like other citrus fruits, contain psoralens, which can cause digestive upset, vomiting, and skin irritation in cats.
* Cats are obligate carnivores. Their digestive systems are not designed to process plant matter efficiently, and citrus fruits can be difficult for them to digest.
Even small amounts of clementine can be harmful to cats. If your cat has ingested any part of a clementine, it is important to contact your veterinarian immediately.
Instead of clementine, you can offer your cat safe treats like:
* Catnip: Many cats love catnip, and it is a safe and enjoyable treat.
* Commercial cat treats: Choose treats specifically designed for cats and avoid giving them human snacks.
Remember, it's always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to your cat's diet. Stick to foods that are known to be safe and healthy for felines.