Is cardboard ok for cats to eat?

No, cardboard is not okay for cats to eat.

Here's why:

* Digestive Issues: Cardboard can cause blockages in the digestive tract, leading to serious health problems.

* Sharp Edges: Cardboard can have sharp edges that can cut or injure a cat's mouth or throat.

* Toxins: Some cardboard may be treated with chemicals or inks that can be toxic to cats.

If you see your cat eating cardboard, try to stop them immediately. You can also try to make the cardboard less appealing by:

* Keeping it out of reach: Store cardboard boxes in a secure area where your cat can't get to them.

* Providing alternative toys: Give your cat plenty of appropriate toys to play with, such as catnip toys, scratching posts, and interactive toys.

If you're concerned that your cat has ingested cardboard, contact your veterinarian immediately.