When cats lose their teeth do the swallow them?

Cats don't swallow their teeth when they fall out. Here's why:

* Teeth don't just "fall out": Cats lose their baby teeth (deciduous teeth) as part of a natural process, similar to humans. These teeth loosen and eventually fall out, usually being replaced by adult teeth.

* They don't have a strong instinct to swallow them: Unlike some animals that might eat their shed antlers or skin, cats don't have a strong instinct to consume their lost teeth.

* They are too big to accidentally swallow: Even if a cat did try to swallow a tooth, it's likely too large and wouldn't be able to pass through the digestive system.

What happens to lost teeth?

Most often, lost teeth are simply swallowed and passed naturally in their stool. If you find your cat's lost teeth, you can dispose of them as you would any other type of pet waste.

Important Note: If you notice your cat losing teeth in unusual ways (pain, bleeding, etc.), it's important to consult a veterinarian. This could be a sign of a health issue that needs attention.