What are the chances that a cat could catch feline leukemia from eating and drinking same dishes?

It's highly unlikely that a cat could catch feline leukemia (FeLV) from sharing food and water dishes with an infected cat.

Here's why:

* FeLV is primarily spread through saliva. While some virus can be shed in feces and urine, the main mode of transmission is through direct contact with saliva, usually through biting, grooming, or sharing toys.

* FeLV isn't easily transmitted through the environment. The virus doesn't survive long outside of the body and is easily killed by disinfectants.

However, it's important to note:

* Sharing dishes can still be a risk factor, but a very low one. While unlikely, if an infected cat has saliva on its food or water bowl, the virus could theoretically be transmitted.

* Regular cleaning is essential. Thoroughly washing food and water bowls after each use can greatly reduce the risk of transmission.

* Other risks: Sharing litter boxes, fighting, and grooming each other are much higher risk factors for FeLV transmission.

If you have concerns about your cat's health, it's always best to consult with a veterinarian. They can assess your cat's risk factors and advise you on the best steps to take.