Can you feed a baby song thrush canned cat food or does it have to be dog food?

It is extremely dangerous to feed a baby song thrush canned cat or dog food.

Here's why:

* Nutritional Imbalance: Both cat and dog food are formulated for their respective species and are not suitable for birds. They lack essential nutrients birds need and contain ingredients that can be toxic to them.

* Digestive Issues: A bird's digestive system is different from a mammal's. The food can cause severe digestive problems, leading to illness or death.

* Dehydration: Canned food can lead to dehydration, especially in young birds.

* Lack of Natural Instinct Development: Feeding a baby bird inappropriate food can disrupt its natural development of foraging and feeding skills.

What to do instead:

* Contact a wildlife rehabilitator or veterinarian: They can provide proper care and nutrition for the baby bird.

* Offer a safe, temporary food source: If you find the bird before contacting a professional, offer a mixture of finely chopped mealworms and cooked, unsalted rice.

Remember: It's crucial to seek professional help as soon as possible. Feeding a baby bird the wrong food can have dire consequences.