What does the Andean cat eat?

The Andean cat, a highly elusive and endangered species, is a carnivore. Its diet consists primarily of:

* Rodents: These make up the bulk of their diet. They hunt small rodents like vizcachas, chinchillas, and other small mammals found in their high-altitude habitat.

* Birds: They also prey on birds, especially smaller species.

* Lagomorphs: Rabbits and other lagomorphs are sometimes included in their diet.

The Andean cat's hunting strategy is adapted to its mountainous environment. They are agile and stealthy, able to navigate rocky terrain and use their keen senses of sight and smell to locate prey.

Due to their remote and challenging habitat, it's difficult to study the Andean cat's diet in detail. However, researchers use indirect methods like analyzing scat (feces) to understand their feeding habits.